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LG Household & Health Care unveils new research on skin tone genetics

LG Household & Health Care has unveiled new research on skin tone genetics, revealing key genes that influence skin pigmentation.



Courtesy of Envato

The findings were published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, highlighting a major step forward in understanding the genetic foundations of skin tone. The Korean company analyzed the skin genomes of over 57,000 East Asian individuals, making a breakthrough in identifying 23 genetic regions that play a role in natural skin tone. Among these, 11 regions were discovered for the first time, underscoring the importance of this study.

The research utilized genome-wide association studies and other advanced techniques to pinpoint genetic factors influencing pigmentation. Notably, one of the newly identified genes, GAB2, is linked to the phosphorylation of tyrosine, a precursor to melanin, which can lead to pigmentation issues like melasma. LG Household & Health Care unveils new research on skin tone genetics, including the discovery of the SLC45A3 gene, which plays a critical role in cellular energy production and metabolism. This research marks a significant leap in the science of skin pigmentation.

Co-authored by researchers such as Won Hong-hee from Sungkyunkwan University’s Samsung Convergence Medical Science Institute and Jeong Choongwon from Seoul National University’s School of Biological Sciences, the paper is titled Identification of Skin Color Genes and Polygenic Adaptation through Genomic Analysis. The study also introduced a “genetic score” method to predict an individual’s innate skin tone. This approach showed high accuracy when applied to populations across 26 regions, particularly for Asians.

LG Household & Health Care unveils new research on skin tone genetics, further exploring how environmental factors such as latitude and sunlight exposure interact with these genetic elements. For example, the study predicted that individuals in the lowest 10% of the genetic score would benefit almost twice as much from sunscreen compared to those in the top 10%.

According to Kang Nae-gyu, chief technology officer of LG Household & Health Care, “The skin genes identified in this study can serve as target genes for developing high-performance skin radiance solutions.” LG Household & Health Care unveils new research on skin tone genetics with the goal of providing genomics-based cosmetics that offer personalized value to global consumers.


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